What Rags carry the most review weight???

What magazines, for review purposes, do you follow? Reason I ask is that for example, "Stereophile" gave a wonderous review of Creek 5350SE but "What Hi*Fi?" says it is "likable" and has a "not-quite 800 pound sterling feel". Do our mates across the ocean have different tastes than us US'ers? Reason I ask all of this is that I am trying to decide on an integrated amp. Right now, I think I am down to the 5350SE, Arcam Diva 85, Music Fidelity A3, Bryston B60. Want a new piece, I will be building a system so will be adding speakers, cd, etc to this but want to start with amp. I will be trying to audition these prior to purchase. Any thoughts? Thnx in advance!!
I'm with Thor. Read reviews for entertainment, and for the fun of salivating over things you'll never own, or even hear in many cases.But reviewers' reactions to components are as random as magazines' decisions about what to review.
I enjoy all the mags listed, and in addition, especially Listener. But...I take them all with a grain of salt. I've enjoyed Naim gear for many years. You might consider the new Naim Nait 5 integrated which has received rave reviews in most every mag. Sincerely, Stephen
What HiFi reviews oceans of integrated amps, Stereophile reviews one every third issue or so. A lot of the differences in the reviews are simply due to context. As said above, it's time to start listing!
I agree with the above posts, from what I've seen (heard), most reviews depend heavily on personal preference and associated equipment. Even if a product gets unanimously good reviews it may not suit your taste, though this does help narrow down the list of components to audition.

I know you didn't ask for amp suggestions but I would add the Rega Mira to your list. I recently bought one have been very happy with it. I think a Mira is a little cheaper ($950 list) than the amps you have listed and would leave you more $$ for the rest of the system. Good luck!
I find Stereophile and Absolute Sound to be diluted by the companies advertising in them. It's a flavor of the month deal and Stereophile's Class A ratings are so subjective and lead to even more high end (EXPENSIVE) noodlings by companies to be in the elite number.