Best Integrated Tube Amp for 2.5K or Less

Got a pair of ML Aerius i. Love them. Lookin to upgrade my integrated amp... right now I have an NAD 340 (yikes!), and can finally upgrade (YEH!)...

how would you spend your $2500?
Congrats on your purchase, Dennis! I think you'll like what tubes do for the Aerius i.

Marakentz, you make a very good point - often it's most cost-effective to buy a very good used amp instead of a less expensive new one. By the way, the local Martin Logan dealer is also a VTL dealer, and I personally prefer the sound of his Martins driven by the VTL's over his big Krell or Levinson amps.
My VTL IT 85 is here. I just went and picked it up a couple of hours ago, and it's just about warmed up. I'm giving it 1 hour before actually turning it on...

I'm replacing my NAD 340, and man, is it LIGHT compared to the VTL.

I am so excited!! 10 minutes until I see what tubes can do for my music, in my own apartment... !!!
We often slam - deservedly, in my opinion - dealers who are annoyingly self-serving, scream like a 'lil babies when someone doesn't agree with their opinion on their equipment, or even lie about being a dealer through ommission on posts, so I just wanted to say that audiokinesis has contributed to this post with integrity. For other dealers out there trying to nab newbies with hype and histrionics, please take note on how its done. I don't know audiokinesis and have never met him/her, so can't say longterm what might be your milage, but I was impressed here. More of that and we wouldn't see quite as many threads asking if the hi-end is dying.

You'll enjoy the VTL, but comments on 6550 vs. EL34 are quite valid. Get a good power cord (can't remember if 80 uses a captured cord or not) and stand, or make one yourself - just get it off the ground. Let us know what happens because its a big price point with a lot of relevance to people out there.