Best Integrated Tube Amp for 2.5K or Less

Got a pair of ML Aerius i. Love them. Lookin to upgrade my integrated amp... right now I have an NAD 340 (yikes!), and can finally upgrade (YEH!)...

how would you spend your $2500?
I agree, Asa; I wish all salesman could be as respectful.

THE SOUND of my VTL IT 85 compared to my old NAD340:

(the amp has been on playing music for about 27 hours now...), and here are my first impressions:

1. WOWWWW!!!!!!!

2. Stevie Wonder is groovin me OUT! several times, my VTL remote has turned into a "microphone", INVOLUNTARILY!

3. I never knew how VEILED my speakers sounded until I switched the amps and heard how they sang when those sheaths and sheaths of crud were removed.


5. this song never had this kind of "pick up"!

6. wow, i'm playing it loud, but my neighbor doesn't care... what gives? (in reality, i don't think i'm playing it any louder, it just sounds louder!)

7. bass is so much tighter, not all over the place

8. and finally, DAMN my speakers sound GOOD!!! these are f-in AWESOME speakers! (Aerius i)

... btw, I also got my speakers up on spikes, and found some little disks with divets in them at the audio store to set the spikes into... no more holes in my wood floor.

Can it really get better with more burnin?? o my god, why did i wait this long to get TUBES??? my friends aren't going to be seeing much of me for the next week, taht's for sure!
Something about tubes with Martin Logans. Just works! I haven't heard the VTL combo with them but I have heard them with lot's of different ARC, Cary, Jadis etc. They always sounded their best with with the valves over any of the high end solid state amps I used except for the Goldmund. Bet the VTL's would be great. Might also look for a used Goldmund integrated. They really are good.
Asa, from nothing to tubes?

IMO there shoudn't be any comparison between $350 NAD and $2K VTL.

I would call convert that would go from EMC3 to VTL IT85 for example.
A little off this subject but related. Would you think it worthwhile to put a MC2205 on a MA6100. I'm looking for sound quality not looks or loudness.