Is there a preamp w/ a built in 24/192 upsampling?

Do anyone know if there is a manufacture that makes a preamp that has a built in 24/192 upsampling.

I believe the new TacT preamps(one preamp and one pre/pro) may also offer a 24/192 upsampling option, but I'm not 100% sure--just throwing out another potential option. Personally I think I'd look at some of the dCS gear first if I had the scratch, which would open up a lot more options for you on the preamp front. Best of luck.

dcs delius (dac) and engar (dac) has a 24/192 upsampling with a volume control so that you can plug your cd player or transport into the dcs dac out to the power amp.
The new TacT RCS 2.2x has builtin 24/192 upsampling.
The RCS 2.0 has 24/96 but there is reported to be
an upgrade coming soon which will bring it to