Suggestion for Amp to 2 ohm loads?

What would you suggest for an Amp that can handle down to a 2ohm load and that is rated up to 300 watts a Channel?

I do not need the Max Watts of 300watts.

The McCormack is nice as Craig suggests. I would add the Sim Moon W5 and the Blue Circle BC26.
one I know, proved to be relible is from audio by van alstine.
there are 2 models solid state andvaccum tube hybrid. is their url.1600$ about 160 watts.
For an amplifier without a sonic signature that is stable "with any load," I recommend the Pass Labs X250. The smaller X150 may do it, but the X250 definitely will. And at 2 ohms, the X250 is rated at a 1000 watt output.

Best Regards.
A Perreaux 350 amp or a "load-invarient" Sunfire will handle this requirement quite economically