Solidstate substitute for Bat Vk75se?

I run my bat 8 to 12 hrs. a day and am looking
for a solid state to run most of the time(keeping the
bat for special listening sessions). I've auditioned
the following;Pass lab 150 and 250,Bat Vk6200,Classe 200
monos,Krell 200c,Bat 200,Arcam 85,Bel Canto, and the
Mac 350. Surprisingly the Bel Canto has been my favorite,
but still not there. I'm interested in the Jeff Roland
product and the new PS Audio Cassic 250 they are releasing
soon. Any input on this subject would be appreciated. Thanks Randy
If you are looking for something precise and extraordinary that performs really great, BVaudio would be a good pick for less, compared to those components you were auditioning. Give it a try, best value for money.
I listened to some of the amps on your list and bought the Bryston 14B SST.. You may want to listen to the amp. I love the depth of the sound stage, the tight accurate base and smooth midrange. The power of this amp gives an incredible amount of detail and depth at low listening levels. This is my first Bryston and the rap about harshness in previous models is nowhere to be found. I married it with a tube CJ 16LS pre and am in Audio heaven...for now. Looking for a new CDP to round things out and I can start concentrating on college educations for two teens again.........