Looking for a great tube headphone amp

Any suggestions? I could go up to $1000.00. Also, any thoughts concerning the Grado RS-1 vs. the Sennheiser HD600 headphones?
You might also want to check out the forums at headfi.org. There is a lot of good feedback on them.

I have been 'Head FI-ing' for a couple of years now.
I currently own ASL MG HEAD w/Electro Harmonic Russian TUBES.I use both Senn. HD 600's w/ Cardas cable upgrade & Grado 225's.The best thing is this Amp is wired for both.
Both phones have there characteristics, thats why I own
I just sold my MF X-Can V2.It was great, but not much in the way of looks.Hard to tweak too!No complaints on the sound.But the ASL is a cool looking Amp w/ great sound!!!
I like that fat tubey sound anyways. The EL84's have a sound
that the 6922's don't.But it's all in your Ear & Head anyway.Everybody's different, thats why you have to addition
the choices and hear the differences yourself.
Gilbaino, it sounds as if we basically agree on what we heard, and just have different preferences. In another thread a while back, someone posted that the current-production MG Head DT now eschews the use of an output transformer, like the X-Cans (but I can't see any differences on ASL's website). If this is true, it might well be that factor, and not the tube type, that was responsible for the ASL's more rounded sound - anyone with knowlege of this alleged development? As for the X-Cans themselves, I have to add that I've been very disappointed with the quality of their unusual, sealed output jack design - I've gone through two of them so far, and still can't get a reliable connection with any of my 'phones.
TUBE TECH of Denmark makes an excellent unit.
Tube Tech proffessional audio gear is the very best od its kind, no question. Its imported by, TC Electronic here in the states and carried by pro audio dealers mostly.
A pro audio complex by the name, Wind Over The Earth, in Boulder, Colorado had such a demo unit recently.
303 443 9822 is there number.

Mike Schneider