Who has gone from a vk60 to a vk75se? vk60 monos?

What did you think? How much better? Worth the $$'s?

I have a single vk60. I'm thinking about either a 2nd vk 60 or a single vk 75se. Speakers are Watt/Puppy 6's. VKp10 and vk50SE are the front end...

Thanks for your 2 cents!!!
2 vk60 can be bought if together for not too much over the vk75se if compared used.
more power is certainly better even for watt puppies 6.

just my 2c.
hi, this is an old thread, and i don't want to hijack it if it's still active, but i googled rimsky korsakov and mercury living presence sacd and saw that you sort of recently had "le coq d'or" etc. for sale, but it's no longer listed. i'm guessing you sold it, but if you haven't, please shoot me a response. thanks much - alex
oh, this post was meant for moosemans - i would have sent moosemans an email directly if there was some sort of member to member contact system (there might be, but i don't know about it)