Arcam A32 vs. ML 383, Macintosh MA6900, YBA, other

I have very much put a freeze on my system for a little while but my next upgrade (humm) could be a new integrated, of course, if I can hear an appreciable improvement. Has anyone compared the A32 or maybe A85 to the Mark levinson 383 or Macintosh MA6900, YBA or other?

I am driving a pair of B&W N805s with it.

I am in México, so it is hard to get dealers to audition equipment but may get to listen to a ML 383 in the near future. Thanks.
Thanks all for your responses. I am of course interested on the actual improvement from the A32 to one of those ints listed. But I am sure there will be one because the A32, although a nice integrated, is not in that league. It is very insightful to get your input.

Without listening, what I like and don't about these integrates

The ML383. I like the ergonomics. Don't know how the ability to set the muting volume level can appeal so much to me but it does. In that respect the A32 has lots but not as much ((you can even customize the amp's welcome message on the A32, I have FUERA CHAVEZ! on mine, as I am originally from Venezuela).

MA6900. Mcintosh tradition. Lots of power (200 vs 100) which might be useful with the N805s or whatever I get in the future, although they seem fine at 100Wpc.

YBA. Very nice reports here (not only you, warrenh). Spartan interface (but if it sounds so good I don't really mind) This guy might tame my N805s treble. No distributor in Mexico.
BAT VK300X Absolute sounds 2nd best integrated ever reviewed. 4000.-6000. depending on options. The best integrated costs 20000.00 I have heard the Bat , it is truly amazing.
As said above, YOUR preferences are more important in this league of quality.
* Arcam 85 wpc is not enough for N805.
* Lower cost McIntosh (<$10,000 or so) are not as clear ML 383 and you will hear the degraded sound on N805's.
* YBA is in the league of M-L but comes down to your preferences - YBA more smooth, etc. ML 383 more detailed, etc.
* I personally think there is great synergy between Musical Fidelity and B&W. Their A3.2 integrated at 115 wpc MAY be adequate it has a spec'd peak to peak output current of only 24 amps. Compare this to the A3.2cr power amp which is 72 amp peak to peak. Use these numbers for comparison, as Bear said - impossoble to get 72 amps from the A3.2cr.
--- So for what you are willing to spend, I'd recommend the A308 integrated (since you don't seem to want separates) with 48 amps peak to peak are better sound than A3.2 integrated.
Hello again
I auditioned at length the YBA Integre DT yesterday on a pair of Triangle Celius speakers and Arcam CD. It was very nice. It was less dark than Mc. From what I remember, it is as smooth and has a neat feature of tube filtering for a slightly different sound. It was nice but a little bright for me (or for what I am used to).
cdc, thanks for your input. I am currently using the Arcam A32 so am not considering the A85 but mentioned it for comparisons as it has a similar sound to the A32, albeit less power. I think MF amps are on the same league as the A32 (I have auditioned the MF300 so am not really considering them). Only benefit would be more power.

The YBA really atracts me, the problem there is that as there is no dealer in mexico I would have to make a blind choice. Unless in one of my travels to the states I can get to audition one. So for the time being I'll work to arrange an audition of the ML383 with my gear. They tell me that early next year they will get it (thinks take time here!).

At this price range, well, I'll have to listen to them, of course.