123 Reviews All 5"s For Odyssey

Has anyone visited the Audioreview website lately? Is The Odyssey that good to receive 5 stars on every review?

I can answer that one. I have a pair of the Odyssey Stratos Monoblocks driving a pair of Infinity Kappa 9's. Their impedance dips down to .7 ohms in 2 places throughout the freq range. The monoblocks handle this load with ease. I've also hooked up my HT-3 (3ch Stratos) and it has no problem driving this load. The sound is not as refined as the monoblocks but it still sounds damn good.
Okay, okay, i get the idea. I don't need to see 120 more "reviews" like those that i just read to believe you : )

Thanks for chiming in folks. I guess we just saw first hand testimony as to the customer satisfaction that these amps bring along with them. The fact that you folks all mentioned tough to drive speakers and some very well known amps to compare them to helps out quite a bit too. I had thought about buying a Stratos but never got around to it. Guess i probably should at least check into them a bit more. Sean
For what is is worth, the Stratos edged out the well regarded Musical Fidelity A3cr amp in my system, much to my suprise. If interested in details of the comparison, feel free to email me for a ~1 page review.
Someone mentioned using the Odyssey to drive difficult loads. I have been using the Odyssey Monoblocks to drive ML CLS 2Z and Infinity Kappa 8's. I have been impressed with their unflappability with both of these loads. Both drop below one ohm and the CLS are also a capacitive load. I agree with what everyone has said. It may not be the best but I haven't heard anything better near its price. I think the Classe amps may be similar in their ability to sound good and not misbehave.
I am using the stratos with cap upgraded on the Maggies 1.6QR with superp result. Best bang for the buck for this amp.

I have no problem recommend anyone who wants SS amp to at least listen to it before making a final decision.

Asides the product, Kluas is a great person to do a business with. Very helpful and understanding.
