Finest integrated SE under U.S. $ 6,000.00

What would be your suggestions concerning a 3oob or 2a3 based single ended amp that would be fully integrated or at least provide a volume control, and be the finest of that breed.
The AirTight ATM-300 (300B based) stereo amp is superb and will privide more drive than the Cary. It has dual attenuators so you can run your CD directly through it, maybe add a Creek OBH-12 passive remote volume control. I've run this system and everything works wonderfully. The amp retails for $6,300.00 - good luck finding a used one, though. Anybody got one they'd like to sell?
I would look at the Jeff Rowland Concentra II integrated amplifier. Depending on the application, I might also look at the McIntosh MA6900 integrated amp. Good luck..

I have another suggestion for you:-

deHavilland Aries 845 monoblock. Here's the link:

It's not a 300B or 2A3 design but I've heard the Cary 805C Anniv edition mono blocks (that use 845 tubes) & they sound better than their 300B SET, of course, to my ears. The intimacy is slightly reduced vs. their 300B design but the authority in bass, transparency & air around voices & instruments is much better IMHO.
Relevance to the question will go a long way to make the use of this forum worthwile as in, rescourcefull or enlightening.
Looking at the various answers, it make me doudbt that my question must have been properly formulated, (english is my second language), yet, maybe not. Thanks again, specially, the Berning, Cary, Airthight suggestions.