Less is more? Premium passive linestage... HELP

It doesn't necessarily have to be most expensive (but I wouldn't rule out $$$ units solely on price) but must have high build quality and excellent "guts."
I'm completely re-building my system and strongly considering a cdp w/volume control to go directly to amp (which I did quite happily for 13 years)...but I'm torn between that and the practicality of accessing a tuner and tv/video programming, as well. In other words, I'd like to know the choices which (I'm no DIY-guy) would provide high quality switching flexibility and minimal sonic degradation (I'm considering an Accuphase 75v and Piega 10s).
(Please, no thread hijacking this into a passive vs. active, or $$ correlation w/quality, issue.).
If you can do without a remote, I don't think you can do any better than the Ultimate Attenuators by EVS. I believe they are discontinued, but there are some used for sale here (were $250 NEW) ocassionally. Anybody out there know better, (or even as good) performance for the $$$?
I should have my transformer volume control in the next week or two. John Chapman at bent audio will build one for you with the options you want on it. Do a search over at AA for bent 102 transformer volume control. You can contact John at his fouum at Harmonic Discord.
Thanks, I also did research which turned up some terrifyingly expensive transformer volume stuff from Silver Rock. Pretty ugly box, though, and you can buy most top tier actives for what they're asking! Still...
Third recommendation for John @ Bent Audio. He's a great guy to work with and the S&B tranny volume controls *are* among the best to be had at any price. I have a pair going into a new preamp being built which will go with these amps: http://www.electronluv.com/ , built by the same guy of course (Josh). It will be debuting at T.H.E. show (the preamp).

I was doing just what you propose: accuphase 75v into (in my case)a SF Power 2. Sounded great, until I put a Placette volume control in between; now it sounds "greater". Seriously, this is a wonderful passive control that I recommend highly.