should I upgrade my amp

My system contains Spica TC-50 speakers, Velodyne F series servo subwoofer, sony scd ce775 player, Adcom gfp 710 preamp and Adcom 545 mkII amp. Should I upgrade by replacing the amp with the Musical Fidelity Acr3 amp which can be bought for around a grand? Should I not even consider this unless I also change my pre-amp?

Thanks in advance for the advice
I don't know for sure whether I would go preamp or amp. If I were to change the amp I would consider going with a Forte 4a and maybe even two of them.
I use a Jolida 1000a integrated tube amp with Spica TC 50’s. Give tubes some thought, I find tubes takes some of the glare out of the Spicas.
The Musical fidelity amp is killer for the used price. If you like the 545 sound you'll love the MF amp and preamp. I agree that the preamp is as important as the amp, when funding allows I would upgrade both to MF gear. If you don't need the extra power I would avoid the Adcom 555 like the plague, the 545 sounds so much better from top to bottom, but on power hungry speakers it does clip easily....