Quietest amplifier you have ever owned.

I hate it when I'm sitting in the listening chair with no music playing and you can hear the sound of the amplifier coming through the speakers. I was curious what the quietest amps out there might be. One example I can think of would be the Antique Sound Labs MG-SI15DT integrated amplilfier. With the amp on and no music playing I can put my ear right up to the speaker and hear nothing but dead silence. This is probably the quietest amp I have ever had and it probably has something to do with it's single-ended design.
Jtinn: While some of you probably know that i'm not a fan of Bryston amps ( don't know anything about their preamps or processor ), one of their amps was reviewed a while back and had a VERY high S/N ratio. I want to say that it was very near or slightly above -120. I'm not sure, but this might have been the little 60 wpc integrated. Maybe someone can refresh my memory. Sean
so what's the point there? i believe that 120db s/n or any doesn't mean that it can play music. i'm ok with my vtls that are arround 95dB s/n(well, i probably have to measure it now since they're quite old) but i don't care as long as it plays music the way i want to hear it.
Sean: A few manufacturers state much higher than accurate s/n levels. You know how that goes.

Marakanetz: The point is that the thread is discussing "the quietest amp" and TWL mentioned -120db. Signal to noise ratio is directly related to the thread, playing music is not. :)