300B amp options

I'm looking to buy a amp that uses the 300B tube. I would prefer too find a kit as I am getting the bug too build my own. But I am open too sugestions as far as amp(s) or an integrated also.

the cheaper ( less expensive ) the better!
I'd check out border patrol amps. The finest 300b's I have heard and thats including the pricey Ongaku. They have a massively overbuilt triple choke power supply. If you go the kit route I highly recommend purchasing their power supply. I've read some threads on audio asylum where some DIY's had built this supply so that is a possibility as well.
Both the Bottlehead and Billie are excellent. I have done the Billie. It is an easy kit to build stock. It has loads of modifications that are well documented online. It could probably keep you busy for a year or just leave it stock and it sounds very good. I've heard it pushing about half dozen different speakers and it always does quite well if the speakers are right for it. A nice thing about each of these amps, if you are doing your first DIY, is that there is loads of online info and a forum for each.

You can order the Billie with a power transformer that has a 2.5V filament supply and 320V HT for B+ so you can build a 2A3 or 45 based amp too.

I also suggest the grid choke mod.

I have some info on online electronic resources for tube DIY. Drop me an email if you would like a copy. If you are starting out it might be helpful.

Happy New Year:
I remain,
I would also look at Audio Electronic Supply, a division of Cary Audio. They have a kit for under 1000.00(without tubes), SE1-Signature that can play 300B as well as 2A3 output tubes. I had one in my system for years with no problems at all. I finally upgraded to Cary SET but the SE-1 held it's own against its big brothers. You can go to www.audioelectronicsupply.com for all the information. Good luck, IMO the SET bring you closer to the music and the SE-1 is a great amp to tube roll and experiment.
Get the Billies, with all the goodies. Do the modifications when you are building the kit, and it will save you time later. Be sure to get the TJ Meshplate 300B's. They make these babies sing! Must do modifications include the grid choke mod as mentioned, and also conversion of the SRPP input stage to MU. Cheers!

Great ideas! Thanks for all the help! I will defintiely check out these amps on the net. If I go the kit route I'm sure I'll be back with more questions.