preamp vs. no-preamp

Hi guys, I would like to know your opinions regarding the classic question (which also has been posted many times in this forum, I know, I know) whether or not a preamp is needed for a good (= musical sound). You see, if you can delete the preamp and connect the DAC into the poweramp, you can save lots of money, sometimes up to $ 15,000 for a Conrad-Johnson ART (this is off course an extreme example). The money you have spent on the preamp can be used for buying a better source or amplifier (mono's?). So theoretically if you don't have a preamplifier you can improve the sound reproduction by: deleting redundant audio circuitry and interconnect cables, upgrading the quality of you source, poweramplifier or speakers.
My personal experience is that without a preamplifier the sound is becoming thin and uninvolving, but I know there are audiophiles who don't have a preamp in their audio system.
Sutts, My Bent TVC was shipped out yesterday. John said it should work very well in my system. I am going to try with a Sony xa777es and a krell ksa-250. I have Vmps super tower/R's and also a set of apogee centaur minor's to try it out with. Hope it is everything I have read about it.
Twl has a very good point. It is my belief that the reason that some passsive attenuators sound thin and lacking in dynamics is because they fail to present a high enough input impedance to the source and/or low enough output impedance to the power amp. It's all about impedance matching.
An active preamp can much more easily present a high input impedance and a low output impedance, and should therefore be more system independant.
I have no experience with transformer coupling, but if it solves the impedance problems then I can see how it could be the best of both worlds ... the transparency of a passive attenuator with the impedance matching (and hence the dynamics) of an active preamp.

I'm just too much of a tightwad to try out my theories !
Adsal,congratulation you have the BEST DAC in the world.
What did you have before? M100?

How close the sound compare to the analog ?

Sell your Tenor and buy the Ongaku Fuji !

Good Luck and love to hear your system.
Anyone knows if there is a DIY guide or circuitry for transformer based passive preamp?
I stay with my preamplifier! Poor Dazzdax, I wonder if he is going to count the results of this discussion and then go with the majority...As Tok20000 and Czbbcl I had the same experiences. Connecting my Accuphase directly to my Pass results in a flat non musical sound. Going through my ARC Ref1 preamplifier made the whole difference. I did the same test with a Wadia 861 and an ARC VTM200 and then through an ARC Ref2 preamplifier, same result. Finally, Wadia 861 to Nagra monoblocks directly, then going through the Nagra PL-P preamplifier...same result. In any case, I do not mind to keep testing, after all is part of this vicious hobby. But in my experience has allways been consistent. Going through a good preamp is the best way.