2A3 vs. 300B single end triode....

All you tube guys out there, which do you prefer? What are sound characteristics of each....thanks....Mark
I like 'em both. But I love my 45s even better!

Much depends on the amp design that the tubes are in, but the 300B tends to be known to have plenty of bottom end and higher power at 8 watts, and the 2A3 is more famous for transparent detail with less power at about 4 watts. Triode freaks, like myself, find themselves going for lower and lower power, and more detail, delicacy, and transparency.

I find that the 45 is a great combination of "just enough power" to drive an efficient speaker, and give an awesome display of "thermionic coolosity" as Harvey(Dr. Gizmo) used to say. My 45 SE ZOTL is enough to make alot of people's jaws drop all the way to the floor.
TWL, you're such a showoff :-)

I echo his sentiments, my personal taste leaned to the 2A3's if you have the speaker for it. I had the Wright 2A3 mono's at one point, and they didn't give up much in "slam" capability to the 300B's I've heard ! But throughout the mids, 2A3's seemed more pure, clear. Smoother highs, maybe a little rolled off compared to 300B's, but I loved them still.

Still haven't got to hear a 45-based amp, though !
2A3 is a bit trickier to use but if your speakers are high efficient then the 2A3 will sound a lot better than the 300b.
When using triode tube, smaller(I mean power output) is better(better sounding).
Personally I'm using 245 triode for the mid/high of my bi-amp system. The 245 just blown the 2A3 and 300B(original WE 300B) away.

If you really go for the SE Triode thing, you should get yourself a pair of highest efficient speakers that you can get or build and then you can play with any triode tubes you like.

Twl above:"Much depends on the amp design that the tubes are in"

I agree with that.

Below is a comment by Lynn Olson that has cauesd me to experiment with the driver stage a bit. I think it is harder to put a finger on what exactly is causing a particular sound than is sometimes thought.

quote "My limited experience so far is that drivers actually contribute a stronger sonic signature than the output tubes, which are pretty transparent if driven by a low enough source impedance and low distortion.
Arthur Loesch tracked me down at the CES a few years ago, and as we chatted and toured the rooms at the Alexis Park, he mentioned that most DHT's sound alike - if driven by a low enough source impedance and a powerful driver with *lots* of current. It's when they are driven by feeble 5-8mA driver tubes that the characteristic 45, 2A3, 300B, or 845 signature appears. In other words, you'll get loads of that 300B sound if all you're using is an RC-coupled 6SN7."
end quote Lynn Olson

The guy is no fool. Something to consider anyway.

I remain,