Audible Illusions Modulus 3A vs. CJ Premier 14 ?

I'm considering a tube preamp for a solid state amp
(McCormack DNA1). I'd like to hear from those who might
have experience with these two preamps. I listen to a lot of acoustic music.

Thanks to all for your comments.
As usual, the shared expertise of the Audiogon
community is a precious help.

Both are great preamps, I own the cj premier 14 and have heard AI numerous times and almost bought a couple of times but didn't pull the trigger. The premier 14 is more neutral IMO than the earlier premier cj's - but mine responds really well to Mullard tubes. Gives it a Very rich tonal balance and palpable soundstage - voice can be scary. Depends on other equipment and tastes... good luck.
A-B'd the CJ/3A/VAC preamps. CJ and 3A close, thought the CJ slightly more vibrant, a little less colored sound, an attractive pre. 3A's got nice slam, almost a little too chunky a sound and analog warmth at the expense of realism and detail.

VAC outdid both - more refined, more accurate, more dynamic; sounds are clearer and cut through in ways the other two can't. Same punch, same solidity of bass but stripped of the slightly artificial, exaggerated analog layer of the 3A. Noticeably more detail, depth, conciseness, and imaging vis-a-vis the other two.