Let's talk tube amps - no ss discussion

In the $2500-3500 range, what are the tube amps that you have heard and liked and why? Which ones sound best with a passive pre and active preamp? Yes, very subjective conversation, but still open-ended.
I owned a Sonic Frontiers Power 2 that I liked real well. I now have a ARC VT200 which blows the SF out of the water (as far as my system is concerned). It is mated to Martin Logan Prodigy's. You can get a Power 2 used for around $2000 and while not quite a VT200 they are great amps. I tink VT200's are selling for 4500 or so. I have never had a proble with either.
Thanks for the input. Speaker sensitivity is 85 db, ouch! But they sound great. I have a CJ MV60. How do your recommendations compare? No one has mentioned Manely, Ayon or Joule. Any reasons?

I feel that it's the always the best to first pick the most efficient pair of speakers you can (e.g. AlNiCo fullrange drivers) and then mate them with the best low-power directly-heated single-ended triodes.

Single-ended triode amps from guys like Jeff Korneff and Gordon Rankin (Wavelength Audio) can be obtained within your price range. People who take this route usually do not look back.


Listen to Wonjun. He certainly offers an excellent recipe for musical enjoyment. It has definitely worked for me, though luckily with the SET power I have, my speaker options are rather broad. Enjoy.