Anybody used Nikko amps before?

Hi, I would like to know if anybody here ever used Nikko amps and pre amps? If so, how would you classified its quality and sound? Does is stand up to todays electronics? The reason for my question is because there aren't to much info out there. What I do know is Nikko is no longer made. Thanks for your concern and happy listening. :)
Unless we are talking TOTL Nikko (which I have no experience with), then in today's entry level market, you will do better with NAD (like the 320BEE), Audiosource (Amp 2), SONY ES, Adcom (not too familiar with recent offerings, but I still own a 545/500II set-up since 1989), Harman Kardon (fan of their 3375 receiver). As for a vintage set-up, I would look to Marantz 22XX series (like 2230 or 2270) or Pioneer SX series. In the entry to mid level arena, I thought that Nikko was OK, but just OK. I own 2 vintage receivers (Marantz #'s 2216B and 2240)and in their niche, they would be hard to beat for all-round FM/AMP performance ... warm, detailed, sweet sound.

Highend64 ... are you looking to set-up a vintage based system? If so, what I found that works best is to focus on what were the best brands from the era and look to acquire an item from those brands. There is a lot of mediocre old equipment out there being touted as vintage collectables. Regards, Rich
Rich, first i doubt that you have listened Nikko made in 80's like the Alpha line?! Marantz you mentioned is nice, but for what price? For $150, i doubt you can find smoother sounding amp from that era!
Eldragon ... you're right. But ... kindly re-read both of my posts. I stated very clearly the extent of my Nikko experience ... model lines from the 70's and entry level components. Also, Highend64 did not mention any particular Nikko model line, so he may/may not be referring to the Alpha line. If the Alpha line from the 80's is good and worth acquiring, that's fine. But , if we are talking components from the 70's, Marantz components (amongst others) really do outshine Nikko components from that same time period. As an aside, by the 80's, most Marantz components had arguably declined in quality from the Marantz components of the 70's. Regards, Rich