Desperately seeking the elusive tube sound


I'm trying to convert my SS system to an all tube system and came up with some bothering questions:

Q1: If you have a tube CDP and an SS pre and amp, when listening, are you listening to the tube CDP or to the SS pre and/or SS amp?

Q2: If you have a tube CDP and a tube pre but with a SS amp, are you listening to the tube sound of the CDP, to the tube sound of the pre, or to the SS amp's sound?

Q3: If you finally have an all tube set-up (CDP, Preamp, Amp), when listening, to which tube sound are you listening? Is it the 7308 of the CDP, the 12AU/12AX7 of the pre or the KT 88's of the amp?

Q4: Do I need professional help?

Thank you very much. I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this.
One exception to NOS!
EI Yugos are the tubes many audiophiles prefer over NOS due to their excellent sonic and built qualities.
I have found good synergy using a SS CDP/DAC combo (although hoping to upgrade to an all in 1 piece sometime soon) with a tube pre and a hybrid amp. I would recommend a tube pre for sure, and SS amp, unless you are willing to spend a fair amount for a tube amp like BAT or Cary.
Thanks for the info guys. I can't afford the "Big Boys" of tube amps at this time but hopefully in the near future. Yes, if ever I'll go with BAT.
My voyage into tubes started with a Tube CDP, i couldn't believe how much better it was than SS at that time (mid 80's). Then i bought a tube pre-amp. Now even my SS CDP sounded OK. Upgraded my tube CDP to Trans and DAC (late 80"s). Then i got new speakers, very revealing, now amps sucked. Bought tube amps. It finally came together in spades! Were i to start over today, i'd probably pin down a good neutral tube pre-amp and start from there to tune my system and room to get the sound i like to hear. Probably the last components i would buy would be the front end items.