Desperately seeking the elusive tube sound


I'm trying to convert my SS system to an all tube system and came up with some bothering questions:

Q1: If you have a tube CDP and an SS pre and amp, when listening, are you listening to the tube CDP or to the SS pre and/or SS amp?

Q2: If you have a tube CDP and a tube pre but with a SS amp, are you listening to the tube sound of the CDP, to the tube sound of the pre, or to the SS amp's sound?

Q3: If you finally have an all tube set-up (CDP, Preamp, Amp), when listening, to which tube sound are you listening? Is it the 7308 of the CDP, the 12AU/12AX7 of the pre or the KT 88's of the amp?

Q4: Do I need professional help?

Thank you very much. I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this.
Marakanetz, the best cartridge for that tonearm would have to be hand built from rare exotic balsa wood, and tipped with the needle from the agave cactus, found primarily in the Oaxacan area of Mexico. The coils must be wound from the conductive gut sinew from the near extinct Spanish Armadillo, and must be very carefully handled by the very few Armadillo-gut coil winders that are still alive. The shelf life of this cartridge is very short, due to the rotting smell that emanates after a few days, but thankfully requires no break-in period. At the price, you just can't beat this cartridge for that tonearm.
Wait till your SS stuff starts to break down, then you will have that illusive tube sound! In my experience the illusive tube sound is hardest to obtain when using tubes. Don't thank me, I know you appreciate the help.
Thanks everyone for your informative and funny remarks. I personally was intrigued by Clueless about this new tweak that he suggested. I'll check it out.