Best 5 ch. amp used - 2500-3500.00 price

Please give me your opinions. Speakers are all vandersteen, preamp is current Lexicon DC 1. Thank you.
You should check out the Earthquake Cinenova Grande 5 Channel amp. Great for music and enough muscle for HT. Read the reviews at and
I'd go with either the Aragon 8008X5 or the Classe CAV-180. The Aragon slightly more dynamic, while the Classe is warmer. Both are excellent bang for the buck, IMHO.
I am at the same decision point having just ordered an Audio Refinement Pre2/DSP (and will wait for the upgrade card). I have whittled the list of amp candidates to:

Pass X5
EAD powermaster 500 or 1000
Krell kav500
Sherbourne 5/1500
Linn AV5125
Bryston 9BSST

Pass is the first choice but damned expensive. The EAD seems an excellent value. Any of these amps will drive just about anything adequately short of speakers with very demanding (read: LOW) resistance. We are using Gallo Due speakers with a REL Acoustics Strata II woofer.