Plinius warm-up

I've read on these boards the issue that the Plinius 8200 needs plenty of warm up time to sound right. This has been my experience also. I was wondering if other people are hearing the same specific qualities that I am. When the amp is not warmed up, the mids and highs play back level is lower, the lack of frequency balance giving the amp a bland sound. But the bass seems to be just fine compared to a warmed up amp. Same for you?

It isn't just Plinius that take about five days warm up to settle down sonically, they all take that long.....
I agree with Bob. I just did test with my Sony 777 SACD player where I unplugged it for a half an hour and plugged it back in. It sounded like I thought it always did. Then I can back after a few songs to the beginning test track that I use to hear drum dynamics and noticed a difference. I would not have believed it unless I heard it for myself.
mi plinius sa 100 when I leave on AB for a day, its
sound close to class A mode. I notice If its off.
it takes 2 hours beofr it will perform to its
peak. I class A mode it takes a hour then its audio
heaven the inner detail is next to none.
I have an 8100 and I leave it on all the time. I feel that Plinius, more than anything else I own, needs time to warm up and since I listen a lot, I just always leave it on.
Every Plinius(and so I believe Pass) amp has an extraneous heat sink area for its output elements. This situation is substantially better than having a lack of a heat sink area, but it needs a great amount of time to bring the amp to the normal operating conditions.

Along with it they idle cool and quiet and need no worries that something will burn internally or externally. Moreover no extraneous ventillation or cooling neccessary as well.