New to the 2 channel where to start??

I'm new to making a nice 2 channel system. Acouple of my friends said I should maybe start off with a fisher 400 since I dont want to spend too much right now. So what other componets(turntable, speakers, amps, ect.)...I dont want to spend too much but just throw some stuff out there.

thanks a ton from a new guy

Get some speakers that you like the sound of first, in your case I would go out and listen to some speakers that are easy to drive as this will save you money when your ready for an amp. Build your system around the speakers.
I used to agree with the "build your system around your speakers" philosophy until I hear $300.00 speakers driven with $3,500.00 worth of tube amps.

I guess the first question would be "what is your budget?"
No one wants to spend too much, but everybody's definition is different. Actually, there are 3 questions to start with:
1) How much do you want to spend?
2) How much do you want the system to do (CDs, SACDs, DVD-As, LPs, radio, etc.)?
3) What's the room like (dimensions, absorptive vs. reflective surfaces, flexibility)?

Give us a ballpark budget, and priorities as far as Q. #2 above, and we can be more help.
If you want to go with tubes, just make sure that you get efficient speakers. Get at least 92db speakers. Make sure that you don't get impossible to find tubes like 7591's. Have fun.
I agree with the above post recommending that you start with the speakers first, but only as it relates to room size. The speakers will dictate the amp you will need to optimize them. This will give you an idea about what it is going to cost for the set-up. Check the forum for threads about the cost breakdown per component. Having said that, I would not spend less than 50% on the speakers.