Help -- my system is too bright

Recently, I upgraded my amplifier to a Krell FPB 350 MCX. I am getting amazing detail and clarity, bass is
tight and extended. I turned off my sub-woofer. The highs are also extended, but now my system seems to have a bright edge at the very top and is slightly fatiguing. Anybody else have this type of problem? What did you do about it?
Discovery Signature Speaker cable would do some good as it is very balanced from top to bottom, but "slightly" rolled off in the treble region. This cable worked well on my original psb Stratus Gold loudspeakers to tame a rather energetic HF response, while still retaining excellent musicality and tonal balance. I have a 6 foot bi-wired pair for sale here on the 'Gon if you are interested.
Another solution would be to try Cardas interconnects, as they are a bit on the warm side, but still very detailed.
