Replacing Sovtek 6922 for NOS

I have the Logos, the newest hybrid amplifier from Pathos Acoustics. The original tubes are Sovtek 6922. Any good? I suppose I could get a much better overall sound if I upgrade to NOS tubes within the ECC88/6DJ8 family. Amperex (BBoy) and Mullard seem to be very good. But I really would like to know which are your preferences. Thanks. tgm
I've found the relatively inexpensive NOS Sovtek 6922s to be much more liquid, detailed, dynamic, and airy than the stock Sovteks in my SF Line 2SE pre-amp, and much prefer them to Valvos, Brimars, Seimens, and some others. Cheers. Craig
Garfish, NOS sovteks in my line stage of my ARC SP10II work quite nicely, clean and very quiet. But, I can't stand the latest Sovteks - they have no warmth whatsoever. I'm trying some new Tesla JJ's in one of my amps and they sound very good. Warmer than the Sovteks, but not as quiet, though I generally prefer NOS Tesla's tonality. (I've got too much tube stuff going for too many hours to pay for the high priced spread.)
How are the very ubiquitous(and cheap) JAN Philips 6922 in comparison to what has been put forth?
I bought a quad many years ago and they were too noisy in my pre-amp so I did not listen at length, but my impression was that they had somewhat less than a crystal clear tone. If I ever have an undemanding location I'll try them again.
I replaced the NOS Brimar 6922s in my power amps with Amperex 6DJ8s - first the Bugle Boys and then the Orange globe A-frames. Both were a *major* improvement. The BBs are a tad warmer and a little less detailed than the A-frames. I ended up running a mix of the two.