Is Audiophilia hereditary and or contagious?

How many of you are 2nd generation audiophiles? How many of you have passed it on to your children? Females have ears too.....why does it seem to be so gender biased toward males? How many card-carrying audiophiles have you spawned after they've listed to your rig?
Males like to play, as opposed to their jobs and (generally) marital state, where they are more or less obliged to be serious. Females, ears or not, are (generally) seriously occupied with home making, husbands, kids, jobs, (not necessarily in that order) and hence have less inclination to play. In other words: We males never grow up and that is part of our charme!....and yes, I have a son, who works occasionally as a DJ, scratches,(which horror of horrors) and tries (mostly unsuccesfully) to raid my LP collection for new ideas.....cheers, must get back to the playpen....oh and yes, if you have the right genes for it, audiophilia, like a few other forms of psychosis, ( the old term "folie a deux" comes to mind ) is I've spawned a few, even females, but strictly extramarital, alas. Better half used to remain very earnestly unconvinced. The rig and I remained, she, like an old soldier, just faded away.....(-;
HI Detlof:
>> “audiophilia, like a few other forms of psychosis”

That explains some of the discussions around here? hehe.

Cheers friend!
Sincerely though delusionally so,
I remain
Warm greetings, comrade in arms,.. and how true you speak... Even Remaining Clueless Can Be A Delusion! Three hearty cheers across the waters from ye olde nutcase
Actually, I have a good grip on the clueless part.
It's the sincerity that is delusional.(hehe)

I remain
No one in my family is even remotely interested in audiophilia whatsoever. Of course, they're all Republicans or moderates, and I'm a progressive. They all have one degree or fewer, and I have three. They wouldn't touch Washington, DC with a ten foot poll, and I love it here...