The Fastest most musical amp

Since I got the upgrade bug and the only cure is to change my preamp and amp I am looking for some advice of our great Audiophile community to help me find the amplifier and preamp combo that suits me best. My priority are the folowing: I want to find the FASTEST and MOST MUSICAL amp and preamp ( It can be tube preamp ( tough I think all tube preamp are slow) or solid state preamp but only solid state amp.) I know that spectral is known to be one of the fastest but I don`t like the idea of being forced to use the Networked MIT cable (which slow up the sound much)
Plinius SA100 speaks for itself. It doesn't need a super-preamp and you can mate it with McCormack TLC1 in passive mode or Adcom GFP750.
It bests with heavy speakers such as JMLab, Verity and Avalons.
I think I understand by what you mean by "fast".
For tubes, I would recommend an OTL amp such as Atmasphere which I have owned at one time. No transformer to slow things down.
For solid-state, give Naim a listen. I have a Nait 5 integrated now. Didnt think I would be happy with it after
having the Atmasphere but I was wrong. Very musical and satisfying.
Try to audition the Atma-Sphere amps and preamps, they match your stated objectives. I am really happy with mine. An exceptional digital only system can be found by pairing an Audio Synthesis DAX Discrete Variable with Atma-Sphere amps, bypassing a preamp in favor of the DAC's own digital attenuation. The DAX Discrete sounds better this way in my system although it sounds great going thru the preamp as well. I use the balanced version of the DAX Discrete DAC. Obviously this setup bypasses the cost of a preamp as well, allowing a greater percentage of your budget to go towards your source component. Truly exceptional sound reproduction is available in either case.

Atma-Sphere amps require careful matching with your loudspeakers, if your preferred loudspeaker is not a natural match for the Atma-Sphere amps, you can use an autoformer called the ZERO between your amp and loudspeakers to provide the optimum impedance match.
I've never heard a faster amp/preamp combo than the Linn Klimax units. Chord amps and preamps would be pretty close too.