The Fastest most musical amp

Since I got the upgrade bug and the only cure is to change my preamp and amp I am looking for some advice of our great Audiophile community to help me find the amplifier and preamp combo that suits me best. My priority are the folowing: I want to find the FASTEST and MOST MUSICAL amp and preamp ( It can be tube preamp ( tough I think all tube preamp are slow) or solid state preamp but only solid state amp.) I know that spectral is known to be one of the fastest but I don`t like the idea of being forced to use the Networked MIT cable (which slow up the sound much)
..i agree with 'audiokinesis' regarding the goldmund. i have a goldmund 29m and have had tenor 7w wis' prior to the goldmund and the goldmund is the fastest amp i have ever is also as musical as the tenor and does everything the tenor does but better.that being my opinion but also the opinion of those few lucky enough to have heard the for preamp..i use an audio tekne 'simona' which is a tubed preamp with all point to point wiring.the combination is unbelievable.good luck
Iam sure there are more musical and fast amp out there
But I thought the SA 100 is the most musical Ive heard
until the SA 102 put it class A untouchable but its 5k
i think, just ask Jademo on AG.By the way The SA 100
and 102 are both Plinius.IMO
SchubertMANIAC -

YEEEESH! Thanks for correcting me!

Okay folks, ignore my post above postulating that Spectral amps can be used with cables other than MIT.

Give the Spectral 360 monoblocks a shot. For tubes, the Tenors are really special -- "fast" yet not clinical or edgy.

BTW; why do you think MIT cables "slow up the sound". Have you heard them in a Spectral system? I've used the Oracle V2 UWB in an all Spectral system, as well as with Tenors, and they were anything but slow. The new Oracle v1.1 are even better -- more articulation and less mechanical sounding. IMO, one of the best set of cables out there.

Enjoy your search.

I auditioned a pair of Watt/Puppy 7's. The dealer had Spectral 360 Monos with the Spectral Pre and MIT cables.
I believe he had a Wadia 861 on the front end.

It was clear as a bell, extremely fast, but completely
lacking bass.

I don't know if it was the Amps, the speakers, or what.

I own a pair of Krell FPB 350 MCX's. These things
are extremely fast and took the bass response in my
speakers so low I turned my sub-woof completely off
during 2 channel music listening.

If you are into solid state, fast and sensitive amps,
want full bass response -- put Krell Mono's on your

I would love to hear the Watt/Puppies with my Krells.