BAT VK75SE buzz and humming ?? help..

Hello all, received a BAT VK-75SE which by the way is a lovely Tube amp for those that are not aware.

Unfortunatly I have plugged it in and have had a constant buzz since day one.. the buzzing remains even when Interconnects are removed and ground is lifted

I have :

1. Plugged the amp in a different part of the house- No Change

2. Changed Speakers and speaker cable - No Change
3. Changed PowerCord and Lifted ground - No Change

The amp itself is dead quiet, no transformer hum or anything.. could tubes do this ? ..

thanks all in advance !

Sounds like bad tubes.
Does this buzz come from one channel only?
If it does try to exchange left and right channel tube one-by-one to identify bad one.
In any case call BAT – they are usually very helpful.
how loud is the buzz, on my 75se I have it, but much past 2-3 feet away I can't hear it....low level...

I'd call what you find out please. Thanks
You can test your amp by light touching of chassis arround the input tubes with screwdriver and hear if buzz increases or you hear pops. You can also bring close light bulb. Normally BAT units will not react on light bulb brought close to amplifier but if there is a bad tube they will oscillate. That will definitely indicate that tubes need to be replaced not neccessarily input ones but any of existing.
If it won't help you'd have to get in touch with BAT and probably send your unit for service.
I had a "hum" problem a long long time ago. Victor troubleshot the problem in one call. Call Victor.