BAT VK75SE buzz and humming ?? help..

Hello all, received a BAT VK-75SE which by the way is a lovely Tube amp for those that are not aware.

Unfortunatly I have plugged it in and have had a constant buzz since day one.. the buzzing remains even when Interconnects are removed and ground is lifted

I have :

1. Plugged the amp in a different part of the house- No Change

2. Changed Speakers and speaker cable - No Change
3. Changed PowerCord and Lifted ground - No Change

The amp itself is dead quiet, no transformer hum or anything.. could tubes do this ? ..

thanks all in advance !

I had a "hum" problem a long long time ago. Victor troubleshot the problem in one call. Call Victor.

Victor has been trouble shooting it for a week, asking me to jumper the amp's inputs.. I did with no success, I jumper'ed all three pins and only pin 2/3

No success, have not heard back after my last email..maybe he is on vacation.

Anyway, is on both sides of the amps, meaning both speakers are buzzing equally.

Jfrech: I also hear it about 4ft away .. still, I don't think that this is normal...I maybe wrong, if it is, I bought the wrong amp.
What tubes and how old is the amp?
I assume that VK75 is not a long time in production to undergo capacitor replacements for instance. The fact is that if it "eats" tubes especially one earlier than others than definitely something is wrong.
You may want to check bias if possible. Tube oscilates when it doesn't have negative-enough grid voltage. Check an output tube manual for allowed negative voltage tolerance or call Viktor to find out and measure between the ground binding post and pin#5 with amp on and no tubes using voltmeter set to measure low-hundreds of volts.
Marakanetz, thanks... have no idea what you said.. but I presume I need to test the tubes out one way or another ..

I may have a guy locally that can do this..

The unit is not old, I would say within 2-3 yr.. the TUBES, well the box that they were wrapped in said "CCCP" need I say more..
