BAT VK75SE buzz and humming ?? help..

Hello all, received a BAT VK-75SE which by the way is a lovely Tube amp for those that are not aware.

Unfortunatly I have plugged it in and have had a constant buzz since day one.. the buzzing remains even when Interconnects are removed and ground is lifted

I have :

1. Plugged the amp in a different part of the house- No Change

2. Changed Speakers and speaker cable - No Change
3. Changed PowerCord and Lifted ground - No Change

The amp itself is dead quiet, no transformer hum or anything.. could tubes do this ? ..

thanks all in advance !

If a output tube fuse is blown, it will work, and it will increase the hum considerably. Also a channel should have less power-like 1/2. If one in each channel is blown, it will still have balanced sound-but with lot's of noise and basically sound like sh&%. Look at the output tubes. Are the 4 led's on and green? If one is off, then you have one output tube fuse blown. If one is red, then a problem with the auto bias circuit (more likely a bad tube). I have had some issues with bad output tubes...replace one about every 6-12 months. No big deal though.

To replace a output tube fuse, UNPLUG the amp from ac, turn it over, and you'll see the fuse holders underneath.
Thanks ..

all LEDs are Green and functining.. but I will check the fuses anyway..

Wow.. tubes are work ..hehehe
the Ghost of the Buzzing Halcro's has come back to haunt you.

but seriously, maybe try moving the amps to another room with your surround speakers and Capitole and see if that eliminates the may have some sort of RF that is being recieved by the amps in that room......or try the amps in someone else's system.

try removing the Panamax from the system temporarily.....there may be a conflict someplace.

just a few thoughts from a clueless one......
Hi Mike... no kidding... Im cursed !!!

I have a Hydra and plugged the unit with the CAP in another room with an extention cord, never physically moved the 100lb amp ...but will try !

Ok, moved the AMP to a different room..checked ALL fuses..all looks great ...sounds to me like the amp has a problem !

thanks folks !
