Thoughts on Coda gear? Any Coda owners out there?

Hey guys!!

Alright! I've owned Coda gear for some time now; and have loved it!! It has all of the trademarks of Krell, and Classe gear, at a slightly lower price, slightly.... I think the build quality and parts quality are second to none! But I never hear about Coda in the audio news, nor do I see any furher advancements in model release other than the genberation 3 gear which came out last year.

Does anyone out there use Coda gear, and am happy with it like I am? Or am I only one of the few? I noticed that you don't see alot for sale; my thinking is that people like it so much, they keep it!?

Any thoughts, views or feedback from current or former Coda owners please advise.


I had a Continuum Stage+ for a while. I sold it on audiogon. I've been sorry ever since. Coda makes absolute top flight gear - high class A bias - sounds just super! I wish the guy I sold mine to would sell it back to me for the same amount!

Now I have a pair of Parasound HCA2200 mkII running as pseudo-monos. I have more slam, but that's all. The Continuum was a better amp than my Parasounds, better than a McCormack 0.5, better than Arcam fmj, better than nOrh LeAmps. Warm with slam and finesse to spare... and that was just the Continuum line.

Should have been a keeper.... my bad.
Jeff, not all the Threshold people went to CODA. One very important one went to Pass Labs. I owned a Model 02b preamp, Model 10 and a Model 20 amps in the early 90's. I really liked them, very solid amps. They don't have a real weakness. I left them for a while when I fell for the warmth of a Classe CA-200 for a couple years, but I eventually tired of the touch of darkness. I still use a Classe preamp though. Currently I'm using a Threshold T400, which sounds much like the CODA's, as I remember them. I think the T400 has a tad more sparkle in the highs (not bright by any stretch of the imagination though), but has the same smooth midrange and solid bass as the CODA equipment. All in all, CODA is a very good value, and I still recommend it highly.

I've owned a Continuum Window, Coda 2B and and 01p preamps over the years as well as the Continuum Stage + amps. Everything was solid and neutral. I traded my two Stage + amps towards a Model 20.5 over a year ago and it is the best amp I've ever had in my system. It drives my Apogee ribbon speakers with authority and control.

The company stands behind it's products and you can call and actually talk to technical people. You can get answers to your questions and as well as advice and recommendations about using their products.

They have excellent sounding products, extrememly well built and serious support. That is a rare combination.