Golden Tube amps

These look interesting to me and have some good prices. Anyone have some opinions on these? Reliability? Sound quality such as sound staging, detail and of course realism. I have never owned tube, so don't know the problems that come with tubes in general.
These are long out of production, and I don't know if the firm still exists but I doubt it. Golden Tube gear was reputed to have substantially more reliability problems than average. I personally owned an early SE-100 and could never get it to run without breaking down for more than a day or so.

But Golden Tube had many happy customers. Their most popular amp, if I recall correctly, was the SE-40.

Probably a lovely euphonic sound more than neutral, linear.

I would personally hesitate to buy one unless I knew electronics and could do my own repairs.

They are out of business, and have reliability issues. From what I have heard, schematics may be hard to get. Beware.

However, they are very good sounding amps. They can benefit from some mods, and can be real nice.

It's sort of a quandary, because they do sound good, but you don't want to get stuck with a broken amp that is hard to get repaired.
I'll basically repeat what was previously said i.e. good sound, horrid reliability. As far as having a tube amp fixed, unless it uses some type of OEM ( Original Equipment Manufacturer ) type of transformer or odd-ball part, that shouldn't be a big deal at all. If you look around, there are PLENTY Of people that can fix this type of stuff and do the upgrades that Twl made mention of. Sean
Thanks for the feedback. So what is a good tube amp to go with that is in the same price range?