Odyssey Stratus or Parasound Halo A23?

I've auditioned the Halo and it sounds a little bright. Plus it's 125 watts don't seem to make my Paradigm 100's sing.

The Stratus is 150 watts with same 45 amps of current, but it is $250 more.

Is it worth it?
The B&K Monoblock M200's are 150 amps peak to peak. You can weld with them. I run 4 pairs of speakers at once for my front channels. They can carry any load. I believe the best bargain out there.
You got my hopes up sstark, until I checked the $1500 a piece price at Tweeter. What can these B&K Monoblocks be had for used?
No not new. Used from Ebay or Audiogon. About $600 maybe $700 for both. The older B&K units even sound better-look for blue stripes on front. They must be shipped carefully in seperate boxes about 50 pounds each. They are still fully supported by B&K and even upgradeable. They sound as sweet as tubes. My son just bought a pair on Audiogon for $700 with shipping. If you want e-mail me and I'll email you original literature, I have 3 B&K amps in the house.
hello, check out the denon pma 2000ivr integrated amp. it is rated at 80 watts with 120 amps of current. you can see it at ultimate electronics or maybe tweeters. it's a killer amp. in it's first version sam telig of stereophile put it in class c withe the nad c370.
Oh my gosh. The Denon is to the B&K monoblocks like a Cavalier to a Corvette. I use a Denon AVR 4800 for movies its good but it doesn't make music it just makes sounds. To make music you need the magical sweetness and unknown harmonics of a tubed preamp wired to a SS amp with unlimited power that can weld one quarter inch steel plates or drive speaker after speaker after speaker....