Difference between active and passive preamps

I'm still using a Sony TA E86B SS preamp from about 20 years ago. It still sounds good and clean to me and has been absolutely troublefree.

In putting together a new system -- Green Mountain Europa's, Edge M8 amp, Discovery Essence IC's --
I want to consider how to further improve things.

What are the relative advantages/disadvantages of passive vs active preamps?

Is it a good idea to stay in same "family" as amp to replace preamp?

Best preamp under $2000 to reproduce jazz, symphonic, choral, acoustic, world music?

Most passive pre-amp no need to worry of dirty power, power cord etc..but some might lack in bottom end, most does not have remote, need good quality and short IC cables, small and look funny when stand next to the big amp (if you don't mind).

Active pre-amp cover well in most areas such as remote, bottom end (some), may run with longher IC cables, look well with amp on the rack etc...Draw back is: might need good power cord, or worry of dirty power interfere to signal etc...

Both passive and active also need to worry one thing that is system match up, this is up to your taste. These are also not include on the performance, sonic or quality....

One passive I really like and have a chance to audition is FT audio LW1 (Litte Wonder-1) cost about $500.00. Check its review at www.soundstage.com/revequip/ftaudio_1w1.htm.
Good luck
If you are only going to listen to one sound source, such as CD's, the Electronic Visionary Systems Ultimate Attenuators from tweakaudio.com attach right onto the input RCA jacks of your amplifier for $350, new. For this ridiculous low price you can have superb sound, as permitted by rest of your system. This eliminates need for IC between the eliminated pre-amp and your amp. This functions as a volume control and is recommended for single source listening. Will leave a lot of your money unspent, and yet your ears will be impressed.