Opinions - Best ever Adcom model???

Adcom as a company has had its ups and downs. In recent years it seems to have fallen out of favor with most audio enthusiast and dealers for various reasons. When was their products at it’s best? Many of you along the way to audio nirvana have tested the waters with Adcom and I’m curious to know your opinions on which amp model sounded the best coupled with having the fewest problems. Past or present, two-channel only, 125+ wpc. What say ye?
The 545's, much more refined mid to top then anything more powerful Adcom has ever offered, only really lacking down low and in the ability to play difficult speakers to stupid levels.
What about pre-amp/amp combos. I am in the process of acquiring an Adcom GFP-1 preamp to go along with a 1979 Mitsubishi DA-A10DC amp (dno't laugh - it is a powerhouse amp!!).

Try to pick up a adcom gfa 1a on ebay for 150 bucks or so.It's 200wpc and 348wpc into 4ohms and a great match for your pre.