Suggestions for my system: Preamp?

Especially for a recent college graduate, I am lucky to have such a nice stereo. It includes:

Magnepan 1.6QRs
NHT 12" powered subwoofer with an external crossover
Arcam CD-72T
Bryston 4B

Currently, my father's old Yamaha prologic (bah!) receiver is serving as my preamp. Also, I have AudioQuest cable, some decent interconnects (50 to 100 bucks a pop, not toooo expensive but not toooo cheap), and a Monster HTS1000 power conditioner.

I've been told that I really need a replacement for the Yamaha preamp. However, the entire aforementioned system was purchased for only 2 thousand dollars. Because I really don't have much cash, I've had to find excellent bargains and values.

So if you could kindly drop some suggestions for preamps that cost less than 750 used, I would appreciate it! My two criteria are: 1) It must be of sonic equivalence to my other components and 2) Must be able to send my towers AND my subwoofer a signal without using a Y splitter (i.e. the preamplifier must have more than 1 set of outputs). I really don't know where to begin looking, so thank you for your help!
You may want to look into the F.T. audio passive, it has an output for your sub, it also has 4 inputs. Do a search for this passive over at AA fourm for lots of info. ($500).
Ahh the wonderful flexibility of NHT subs w/ external Xovers.

Any 2 channel preamp of your choice can be used. Simply route the 2 channel signal through the Xover and then on to your amp.

I did with my NHT sub2i and it didnt change the sonics to any large degree.