Suggestions for my system: Preamp?

Especially for a recent college graduate, I am lucky to have such a nice stereo. It includes:

Magnepan 1.6QRs
NHT 12" powered subwoofer with an external crossover
Arcam CD-72T
Bryston 4B

Currently, my father's old Yamaha prologic (bah!) receiver is serving as my preamp. Also, I have AudioQuest cable, some decent interconnects (50 to 100 bucks a pop, not toooo expensive but not toooo cheap), and a Monster HTS1000 power conditioner.

I've been told that I really need a replacement for the Yamaha preamp. However, the entire aforementioned system was purchased for only 2 thousand dollars. Because I really don't have much cash, I've had to find excellent bargains and values.

So if you could kindly drop some suggestions for preamps that cost less than 750 used, I would appreciate it! My two criteria are: 1) It must be of sonic equivalence to my other components and 2) Must be able to send my towers AND my subwoofer a signal without using a Y splitter (i.e. the preamplifier must have more than 1 set of outputs). I really don't know where to begin looking, so thank you for your help!
Ahh the wonderful flexibility of NHT subs w/ external Xovers.

Any 2 channel preamp of your choice can be used. Simply route the 2 channel signal through the Xover and then on to your amp.

I did with my NHT sub2i and it didnt change the sonics to any large degree.
Dear Baltman:

Your first system and my first system have some similarities.

I strongly recommend a used Audio Research LS-3 (not the LS-3B), which goes for $600-$750 on Audiogon. I still own one (it anchors my second system), which I purchased new as part of my first stereo in 1995, which also featured a Bryston 4B-ST. When in production, it was Stereophile "A" rated. It has great synergy with the Bryston. I've also owned Jadis and CAT pre-amps, and currently have a Hovland pre-amp, and could live happily with the LS-3 in my primary system, as it is that good. And, yes, it has two outputs, so you can drive an amp and subwoofer.

I recommend Kimber Select 1011 all-copper interconnects with your equipment (+/- $225 for 1 meter lengths on Audiogon), but I used an Audioquest between my Audio Research and Bryston for the first few years.

As should be done with most hi-end equipment (except tube power amps and solid-state amps with Class-A output stages), be certain to leave the pre-amp on 24 hours a day so it doesn't break and so it is properly warmed up.

Good luck.
I've read great things about the Adcom GFP-750 ($600-$700 used) both from professional reviewers and Audiogon members. If I were looking for a pre-amp in your price range, the Adcom would be under serious consideration.