Need recommendation for a preamp.

I need a preamp for Aragon 8008MkII. For about $750, I can get either a used Adcom GFP-750 or new Aragon 28K. Which one you guys recommend? If I buy a used premap, I wonder if volume control would be a problem? I mean the variable resistor could worn out?

I don't think I need the balanced in/out. Passive mode may be interested to have.

Audio Synthesis Passion (Non-remote) is another good "passive" pre-amp. I had the ARC LS2 & LS3 before and the AS passion is the next level up imo, neutral, transparent & dynamic.......... try this link for the Soundstage review
If you are only listening to one source, such as CD's, then by attaching Electronic Visionary Systems (EVS) Ultimate Attenuators onto the amplifier input jacks you eliminate need for one interconnect from the now non-existent pre-amp to the amp, and you may find you have retained all the best of your amplifier performance. Total cost $350, new, or about $200, used. This an instance where price gives no hint of the outstanding sound you will hear. See I got mine used, and have been impressed by its performance enough to champion this cult product hand-crafted by an audio individualist.
I respectedly disagree with Kurt and forever HIfi
I audition the Ls7 AR, and end up buying the LS8
AR,then I audition the adcom, In my system and in
my opinion the gfp is better,Again in my sytem
the adcom is better.I sold the LS8.Its true why
trust reviewer,the best way is audition it.
I did not buy the adcom because its class A, but
its very musical to my system.That the way to
choose equipment, like Robert Harley says,DO
Thanks for all your input. Be frankly, most of the brand you guys mentioned are totally new to me. I am new to hifi so my start point is Stereophile recommend list, don't laugh.

I have a Denon 4800 receiver. However, I believe my ears is pretty good and I want to build a good stereo system. I just bought a Aragon 8008. I need to buy a good preamp and a good used CD player as my budget is about $1000 to $1200. I am not very intested to use passive preamp, but I don't need to pay more to get this feature if I choose Adcom.

I do not feel very comfortable to get a used amp, how about your guys?


I have an Aragon 8008BB (the pre-Klipsch version) and it has done a great job driving my Thiel 3.6's. I recently bought a BAT VK-20 preamp, and it works beautifully with the Aragon. If you are patient, you should be able to find a used one around $1K or a little more.

Good luck!