Need recommendation for a preamp.

I need a preamp for Aragon 8008MkII. For about $750, I can get either a used Adcom GFP-750 or new Aragon 28K. Which one you guys recommend? If I buy a used premap, I wonder if volume control would be a problem? I mean the variable resistor could worn out?

I don't think I need the balanced in/out. Passive mode may be interested to have.

Thanks for all your input. Be frankly, most of the brand you guys mentioned are totally new to me. I am new to hifi so my start point is Stereophile recommend list, don't laugh.

I have a Denon 4800 receiver. However, I believe my ears is pretty good and I want to build a good stereo system. I just bought a Aragon 8008. I need to buy a good preamp and a good used CD player as my budget is about $1000 to $1200. I am not very intested to use passive preamp, but I don't need to pay more to get this feature if I choose Adcom.

I do not feel very comfortable to get a used amp, how about your guys?


I have an Aragon 8008BB (the pre-Klipsch version) and it has done a great job driving my Thiel 3.6's. I recently bought a BAT VK-20 preamp, and it works beautifully with the Aragon. If you are patient, you should be able to find a used one around $1K or a little more.

Good luck!
I never deal with tubes. So I will feel frustrated when a tube burn out....

A guy is listing a ARC LS3, 95 model. Is it good?
