Krell FPB 200, comments?

The upgrade bug is starting to cause an itch. Any and all comments regarding the aforementioned amp or any Krell amp
(KSA-300s for example) would be greatly appreciated. Oh, the amp will end up being paired with a Thiel 3.6, ML aerius or Maggie 2.7 at various times. CD is Wadia 850 and pre- is ARC LS-2b. Current amp is Classe CA200. Thanks in advance for any input.
I have owned:
2 McIntosh 2105's
Krell KST100
Krell KSA250
Krell KSA300S
Krell FPB300

Each amp is better than the one that preceeded it. Possibly the biggest difference was with the FPB. I would go for the 300 over the 200 if you can spring for the extra bucks. I use them to drive the highly revealing B&W800's.

Thanks for all your opinions.
Re: platsolos comment, maybe it was the source component or material being played or perhaps the room was untreated (Nrchy may be on to something)because i heard my speaker(3.6) hooked up to an FPB-700(before i took it home from the dealer) and let me say that i'll have to put that in the top five combos(speaker+amp) that i've ever heard(all-time). sonic bliss. It certainly blew away my theory that Krells were cold and bright. Prior to that, if i had 3k to blow on an amp i would've only considered the Levinson 332 or 333.
I have a FPB-200 Krell amp using an ecd-1 dac as part of my digital front end.This combo is nothing short of sensational!!! Brightness is non-existent unless a badly recorded cd is the culprit.My speakers are B&W Nautilus 804.I am very happy with this combo.Any brightness issues are definitely source related.
I would echo Nrchy's comments - I own the FPB 200c and it runs very warm to hot, but I believe it runs cooler than previous Krells. It's definitely not bright in my system / room either - it drives a pair of Dynaudio Confidence 3's. My room is not bright in character to begin with (no windows, w2w carpeting), so it may be a case, as others have suggested, of it being more the room than the amp.

I upgraded from the Krell KAV-250a, so you'd expect it to be better, and it is. If you have difficult load to drive, it's a beautiful amp.