Poping noise starting up Mcintosh MA 6900

When I turn on the amp using the standby button, I get a popping noise that is audible through the speakers. Not loud, but can be heard. The amp is just 1 week old. I had the MA 6500 in the same set-up and liked it so much I upgraded to the 6900. The 6500 made no noise, none. Is this inherent to the design (autoformers) or is there a problem? If anyone has the same experience or has suggestions, please respond, thanks.
I just heard from my retailer, he has offered to exchange my amp for another. I am still less than happy with Mcintosh tech support, felt they could have been more helpful. Hope all turns out well. Thanks for the posts.
The reason I suggested exchanging for a new one, was that I did know that McIntosh would back the dealer on the replacement. That is where they excell.
Glad you are now getting what you deserve, an amp which does not pop.
On the passing dc thing, I know that the gentleman could be correct, but I am always one to suspect the worst when it comes to something like this.
I have had McIntosh amps take out drivers before, so not passing dc must be new to their design. It has been several years since I attended McMasters. Maybe there were mitigating circumstances in my experiences. Anyway you are well served.
Good listening.
Transformer coupled outputs cannot pass DC. This is fundamental to a transformer of this type. As for the retailer exchanging the amp - be happy you bought a McIntosh. Krell would not do this for me a few years back. I had to send it off and wait for several months. Needless to say, I don't have Krell any more. Arthur
Am not sure why you would be unhappy with McIntosh. In less than 48 hours of posting your received a new replacement amp. Pretty good, if you ask me. You were lucky you didn't have to wait for one to be shipped in.