Contemplating other amps

B&W N802's in front, 804's for surrounds, HTM1 Center. I've narrowed my amp search down to Bryston or Pass so far, but was reading up today on Aragon and ATI. Any thoughts on these as matches with the B&W's? Some more info about my situation:

Room - 20x20 with carpet, overstuffed couches and large paintings on all walls. Room also opens into staircase running length of wall to upstairs, landing area into dining room and hall into kitchen. So I have some space to fill and some absorption.

Listening - Concert DVD's 40% of time, DVD-Audio or SACD in 5 channel 30% of time, movies in 5 channel 20%, and straight out 2 channel 10% of the time.

I like to play it loud and listen more for clean delivery, soundstage and headroom than details and nuance.
How weird is this. In head to head listening tonight, with me leaving the room and my freind setting up between the Sunfire Cinema Grand Signature 2 and the Bryston 4BSST and BSST, we both preferred the Sunfire when run through the current (versus voltage) speaker outputs. This was judging on detail of highs, mids and lows, strength/power, and overall soundstage. Just goes to show you no matter what you beleive, read, or are told, your ears will show you the way. Dude, I'm gettin a Sunfire!
Arthur: The Sunfire offers added versatility in the fact that it allows you to bi-wire your speakers and select the type of sound for each section of the speaker individually. In most installations, especially those with bright speakers ( metal domes ) or speakers that come across as being somewhat lean, i've found that using the current outputs for the tweeter and the voltage outputs for the woofers works best. While one might think that the "current" taps would work best for the woofers, just as i had previously thought, the names of each tap have more to do with how Mr Carver labeled them than what they are really doing. In this respect, they operate in what is somewhat of a backward fashion from what one would think.

If you do end up purchasing the Sunfire, i would encourage you to do some further experimentation and see what taps work best for your specific speakers and personal tastes.

Either way, i'm glad that you have found something that you like and actually did so trusting your own ears in a "side by side" comparison. Many people "dis" the Sunfire products due to associating them with earlier Carver and Phase Linear products, but they really are quite different in design and implimentation. Sean

PS... The Sunfire's work best in balanced mode and benefit from elevating them up off the support structure. They radiate the little bit of heat that they do generate from the bottom, so increasing the air-flow underneath them by any means possible is recommended. You might also want to call Sunfire and find out if the design revisions and upgrades that were initially only available on the 17" architectural series have been implimented into the full sized versions also. I was told by Robert at Sunfire tech support that the Architectural series originally had some new design innovations in them but i forgot to ask if these were carried over to the "full sized" versions. Prior to laying down the cash, you might also want to measure the space available in rack as the full sized versions have a hard time or simply won't fit in some racks at all due to their 19" width. Not only are the faceplates 19", the entire chassis of the amp is too. The Architectural series, which have all of the updated design revisions, are only 17" across. That does offer less heat sinking though, so if you've got the room and the full size models have been updated to the same level of performance, you might want to go that route.
Thats great Arthur, you are so right, ultimately its your ears. I am happy you found an amp and a very nice one at that. I bet a room full of Nautili and that monster amp can really jam.

The voltage/current selection is great, I love to tweak and test.

That is a 7 channel amp right, so did you biamp the N802s, I bet they really sing with 800+ watts. Whew. Sean has a great suggestion for further tweaking, biamping and switching current/voltage from high to low, or vice versa, aww man I am jealous, all that tweaking.

Ahhh yes the tweaking ahead. It'll take 2-3 weeks for delivery on the 7-channel, they're lending me a 5x425 in the meantime. They also through in a CTG III at a ridiculous price because I'm a great customer. Gonna enjoy all that setup and tweaking also. Hey, you guys have been a real help and support, thanks. I'll keep you posted on the progress.
Captain's log final neighbor found me a sealed Krell TAS that his store had special ordered and wanted off their books because the guy who ordered it bagged on them. $2500 off msrp and it sounds better than anything I've listened to. Ears and wallet in synch now....