Which SS amps sound like a tube amp?

I'm doing research to find a new amp to replace my Parasound HCA 3500. I'd like the tubey midrange but the virtues of SS in the bass. Biamping is not an option as my rack is quite full. I need at least 200 wpc and want to spend less than 2k used. I'm driving VMPS Supertower/R SE's. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I agree with Ncarv about the Levinson No. 27. (Although that has only 100W/ch).
The No. 23, which I upgraded to from the No. 27, does have 200W/ch. I paid $2000 for my used No. 23 about 5 months ago. (If you can afford it, I suggest buying the No. 23.5, although it usually goes for around $2,500).
It has a "touch" of that tube sound that sounds so good. I used to have a CJ MV 50 many years ago, before I upgraded to the Levinson No. 27, so I do know what the tube sound is all about. The bass in these Levinson units is very tight and deep.
You will not be disappointed in these units.

Good Luck!
Sure, go with the Levinson, just hope you don't have to have it repaired. Mine is sitting at their plant for a good 3 months now! The worst service ever. I can sell it to you cheap as soon (if ever) I get it back. Stick with Audio Research or Pass Labs. Good Luck
Levinson is NOT tube-like!!!! I have heard ML amps called a lot of flattering things but never that before... I like ML gear but just would never call their amps tube-like.

I honestly beleive that there is no such thing exactly as tube-like SS. I know that isn't helpful, because I've asked this same question before. My listening gave me the following close calls (in descending order): Boulder, Classe Omega >> Sim, Ayre, Marsh, and I guess tube hybrids. The Boulders sound like very expensive tube amps (they all seem to meet up on the very, very expensive side since LAMM doesn't sound very tubey either) - not "tubey" but musically enjoyable and somehow "right" for SS.

I have a more basic question, though: Why not do a VTL MB 450 or another high power tube amp. If you want high power amps that sound like tubes, why wouldn't you consider high power tube amps? What are you driving, incidentally? (this is the only place where I can ask this and not get "M3" or some other car as an answer!)

Just my $.02

Lanno Trinity 200 is what you are looking for. I agree with Sogood51. You will get the great midrange and soundstage of a tube amp with the slam and power of solid state amps. Plus, you can fine tune the sound by swapping tubes without breaking the bank.
You must ABSOLUTELY give a listen to amplification by Electrocompaniet, the ''tubiest'' solid state in my opinion ! Even if it means not getting up there in the 200 watts range!