Thiel CS1.5 and properly sized Aragon amp

Hey. I'm in the market to upgrade the amp for my Thiel CS1.5s. I've decided to give Aragon a try since it's a good used value (this is my auditioning). Does anyone think I need the 4004MkII or should the 2004MkII be enough power? The cost difference is irrelevant, it's strictly a matter of whether the 2004 provides enough power. I've seen people using the 4004 with the CS2 series and the 8008 with the CS3 series but I'm not conviced that the 2002 is enough for the CS1 series. I will be using Goertz MI2 and MIT 750HE cabling. I'm replacing an Adcom GFA-7000. Thanks! leo.
I had a pair of 1.5s for 2 years running with both a Muse amplifier and a VAC PA 80/80. The Muse was ok, but oh did I love the VAC/Theil combo! The 1.5 is a great little speaker!
Right now I am using a PS Audio Delta 100 with my 1.5's and it is a great match. Excellent bass control with a warm full bodied sound. I am using a sonic frontier's tube pre and I am very happy with the combination. Krell is a popular suggestion for Thiel but for me it's too strident, I rather have an amp that is a bit warm to add some romance into the music. The 1.5 is super neutral and you can really tailor your sound based on electronics. People complain that Thiel can sound bright, but that's usually their source material and their electronics.
Hi all ! I had a aragon 4004 mk2 and it was too bright with my 1.5's . A nice 100 watt Rotel would work quite nicely ( although a more expensive amp like a Ayre probably will be better )
Some Thiels can be tough to drive...can reach down to very low impedence, which can roast a lot of amplifiers. I had a 2004 MkII Aragon for some Infinity Kappa 9's, and I was continuously blowing fuses. Find something that can push with high current instead of just looking for pure wpc type power.