New Tenor Hybrid

With 7 or 8 pairs of the new monoblocks all ready delivered, who is going to be the first to post a mini review?
Heard the hybrids at Mike's place in Seattle.....The amps just had ten days on them, but liked what I heard....State of the Art? Hard to say as didn't know any of the gear involved other than the preamp we substituted for the passive Mike normally uses....Liked the frequency balance, dynamics and stage better with an active preamp and believe Mike liked the purity of the passive, but to each his own.....If you are interested in the Tenors give them a try rather than speculate......The amps are larger (deeper) than they appear in the ads and were glitch free during several cyclings as we played with preamps and phono stages......Really nice folks at Tenor BTW and believe the sole dealer is also the importer......With the pricing where it is there would be few dealers that would even consider stocking such an expensive item and delivery is slow as they appear to be built to order.......
I am on the waiting list for the 150 stereo only because
I don't have the funds for the 300 mono's. I currently
have the OTL's and with my cabling and a new set of tubes (2 weeks ago) I believe I have one of the greatest sounding systems. The best? I can't make that claim, but I've haven't heard a system I like better. My amps are used between eight to 15 hrs. every day which is why I'm looking at the hybrids. The people at Tenor and the people
selling their product have been very helpful. Now that winter is coming I might miss my foot warmers, but I'm sure
my electic bill will be a little lower.
Mike & Frank,

I am sorry if I offended you. My post was simply answering Husk's question. I did for the record state that the amps, do indeed, apprear to be the real deal. Also, my comments were implying that every time a new amp from tenor comes out it seems to be the "flavor of the Month." This is the cause for my skepticism. I have heard all the gushing reviews over the Tenor 75WI. I was prepared to purchase a pair as a matter of fact! Now, some claim the amp is surpassed by a Hybrid design that takes everything the tube design does to new levels. Mike, you yourself claim to be converted to the magic of OTL designs. Let's see we go from OTL loving to A Hybrid design. Honestly, Would you not be skeptical knowing conventional wisdom of the differences between Tube and Hybrid amplifier design??
As far as giving the amp a poor review. I take every review with a grain of salt. Everyone listens for different auditory cues. Noone is immune to this. That is why each person must audition the product before purchasing. Also, how many owners that lay that kind of cash down are going to say that the amp is a clunker. If I put that much down I belive I would claim that the amps are SOTA as well.
As far as the comments toward the dealer. I will let the his track record on this forum, his attitude toward customers, and FINALLY the Merit of his products stand on their own!!!

Johnny "Chuck" Maggitas
Hey Chuck! You and I have done business a number of times before and nothing you said offended me at all. I agree that reviews are nothing more than informational and a starting point but that our EARS are the best and only trustworthy barometer. As far as saying I like the hybrid amps better because I PAID for them surely doesn't apply to me. I just finished reviewing the Tenor 75 OTLs and had them in my system for 7 months when the 300HP Hybrids arrived. I had no obligation to buy the 300s at all.

Like I said before, NOBODY was a bigger Dubting Thomas than I was when it came to the hybrids. Hell, I even heard them at the 2003 show in Montreal with the same gear I had in my syetm and I liked the 75 OTLs better (show conditions probably had a part in that I know). I also had very well respected kilobuck hybrids in my system before and the Tenor OTLs, IMHO, bettered them substantially. So, I had a huge preconceived notion and bias against them when they arrived.

All that said, and AFTER comparing them side by side with NO obligation to buy, I bought them. I, for one, do not feel the need to ever justify my purchase to anyone because if I do not like the gear, at the great prices I am privileged to get stuff at, I simply sell it and buy something I do like.

Finally, I make no comments on the dealer as I was simply pointing out that the people who buy Tenor and Kharma gear are limited in their choices of where to buy it.

Have a good one.

Hi Frank /Mike !!

One of the definitive factors and concept in a hybrid system is its ability to handle bottom end punch, always seems to be a point of contention with me and tubes !! ..

The hybrid concept (I presume) aims to enhance bottom end. Can you tell us if this has been achieved ? .. without affecting the smooth milky mids that Tubes and specifically the Tenors give !

thanks !!!!

See ya both in Vegas I hope (I'm already fully booked :)
