best amp for BASS

My system is in a relatively large room 25x40 with 25ft.ceiling..It is a 5.1 system with meridian 861 and 800.German physics speakers.The Main speakers are Loreley large speakers each having four 12in.woofers.These are bi amped with Xover at 200Hz,with 6db slopes.At present the amps are YBA Passion 1000 mono blocks for the highes(fantastic) and bryston 14bsst for bass.The bass is OK but definitly not great.I would like to augment the bass amp.any ideas?
Ag insider logo xs@2xramy
I'm partial to Steve McCormack's DNA-2 Revision A amplifier.

There's something spectacular about the bass when using XLR connections thru-out with this particular amp. I've used XLR connections with other amps, including my very highly rated McCormack DNA-2 LAE(Limited Anniversary Edition), but I've not witnessed anything close to what the DNA-2 Rev A does with those 2 additional volts from the XLR connections.

Regardless of which amp you select, you most likely would be better served if you use XLR connections. With XLR connections, the dynamics and bass are most always at least a bit better reproducing just a bit more of that live bite.