Which SS amp does sound the most warm of all?

I'm looking for a warm sounding SS amp. The one with the most tubie sound of all.

Now my choise endend by three SS amps,

or the:

Pass Labs Aleph 1.2
Jeff Rowland 8T
Mcintosh MC 1000

These amp are only to drive the high/mids of my speakers system. I love the 3D effect, holografic sound,sound stage, the placement and the finest detail.

Any other advice is welkome. Please help me out.

Thank for the feedback

Plinius amps from SA 100Mkll to current SA 102 stereo amps. Hard to fault the tube like mids and highs.
Check out the Odyssey Stratos Monoblocks or the Extreme Monoblocks. I'm using a special custom pair to drive my Kappa 9's. They have never sounded better. Very musical and holographic. Based on the design by Symphonic Line.
Aleph 1.2. Aleph has a very sweet/warm top-end and mid-range. However, the weakness is the bottom. So, if you use Aleph to drive only high/mid, the weakness won't get exposed. FYI. I used to match Aleph + Genesis (active) speakers and IMHO, it's a good match.
How about a clear and resolving tube amp that offers this

definitely not dark
PRAT in spades
articulate, well defined and low bass (2hz at full power into an 8 ohm load)
power that belies its 70 watt rating
no glare, grit or grain in the upper frequencies
long tube life
exceptional value (if price correlates to performance)

Look at the Berning zh270 as an alternative to what you might expect from great ss and tubes combined. An amp that uses tubes but is not a tube amp in any conventional sense.

"I love the 3D effect, holografic sound,sound stage, the placement and the finest detail."

It doesn't get much better if it gets better at all than the Berning with proper system matching and providing it is within the power requirements of your speaker system. There are few speakers it can't drive.

I have been reading the threads under "Preamplifer of the Century," and respect your opinions. I am about half way through the 300 pages of output on the subject of Supratek preamps.

So, I have a question for you, do you have any experience with the VTL MB-450 for speaker systems that are less efficient and drop to 2 ohms in the upper midrange? Specifically, I am referring to a Martin Logan Ascent i. If I were using a more "tube-friendly" speaker, the 70-watt output from the Berning would be more than enough.

It's interesting to note that so many speakers today are not that tube friendly, but there is a growing number that are.